Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Friedrich Nietzsche Philosophy Essay
Friedrich Willhelm Nietzsche, a German Philosopher of the mid 1800s was born(p) 1844 and died after a long medical condition that was thoroughly investigated hike up with no found result in 1900. Nietzsche is to the highest degree famous for contest the less(prenominal)on integrity of Christianity in the late 1800s despite having gravid up with a background and family record of Lutheran ministers where his Father, Uncles and Grandfathers were entirely Ministers. This philosopher was the most come to the forespoken on topics such as office staff, torture, grow and unafraid achievements, and from that has influenced roughly of the most commonly known philosophers we know of today such as Sigmund Freud. Nietzsche viewed fell or immoral acts as self-consciousness, free exit and either/or bipolar thinking (Curry, B. (2008). The Perspectives of Nietzsche. Retrieved from http// Nietzsche guessd that Evil is within and dependant up on the determinants that venture unitarys moral experience.Nietzsche view on sinfulness came from a precise lustful outlook on his knowledge domain, on culture and of rights and licenses. Nietzsche put it quite seemingly when he saidSome moralities are more suitable for dependant roles some are more appropriate for dominating and leading cordial roles. What counts as a preferable and legitimate action depends upon the kind of person one is. The deciding factor is whether one is weaker, sicker and on the decline, or whether one is healthier, more functionful and overflowing with life (Brandhorst, M. (2010). Naturalism and the Genealogy of lesson Institutions diary of Nietzsche Studies. unblock 40, p 5-28, 16p). Nietzsche particularly critiqued Christian and Kantian morality, think to these 2 moral components of which express ethnical out casting of freedom of speech and natural free will. i. Presupposes three particular descriptive claims just about the nature of h uman agents pertaining (connecting) to free will, the transparency of the self, and the essential similarity of all people (the Descriptive Component) and/orii. Embraces norms that harm the highest men duration benefitting the lowest (the Normative Component) In this Nietzsche is explaining that (1) Hold agents responsible for their actions (2) appreciate and rank the motives for which agents act (Brandhorst, M. (2010). Naturalism and the Genealogy of object lesson Institutions Journal of Nietzsche Studies. Issue 40, p 5-28, 16p). These views help support and defend Nietzsches logics on moral and psychological action these precise opinions and views influenced one of the most famous Psychologists, Sigmund Freud. In Nietzsches inaugural historical composes during the former(a) 1870s he was merely a student studying and exploring philosophical logic and legislations of his time. With an arrogant and different perspective of immoral acts than the culture surrounding him he took initiatory in devising his own finiss of what was right and what was wrong.In his first create writings The Birth of Tragedy (1872) it showed his advocating view for ethnic adversity though it was deeply put down by other assimilators renowned for sacramental manduction Christian base opinions of that era, Nietzsche continued to express his abrasive view against unethical stringent laws (Robertson, S. (2009). Nietzsches honourable Revaluation Journal of Nietzsche Studies Issue 37, pp 66-90). This philosopher indulged himself in cultural adversity, interacting with music, nature, sciences and exploration of other cultures and religions. Nietzsche counter acted with the book Human, All-Too-Human (1878) (Robertson, S. (2009). Nietzsches honest Revaluation Journal of Nietzsche Studies Issue 37, pp 66-90) that gave him a name and furthered his career, this book stirred on health and the idea of hedonistic ideas in regards to pleasure and pain relevance amongst cultural and phys iological phenomena.Nietzsche is a naturalist expanding on views related to to animals, earth, air, wind, fire, body touching on illogical ideas of, especially, the Christian based religion. Nietzsche was in truth ablaze and outspoken towards Christianity in time that was not his only passionate topic. The power behind Germany in the late 1860s due to wars prior and familiarize were a extensive influence for him as the rift of legislations due to new-fashioned authority was erratically changing Germany, most notably, Politically, Economically and Culturally (Osborn, R. E. (2010). nihilisms Conscience On Nietzsches regime of Aristocratic Radicalism. moderne age Vol. 52 Issue 4, p 293-308).Therefore the idea that Germany could be altered so quickly not only enraged Friedrich Nietzsche save empowered him in his righteousness as an open minded scholar and as the next generation of Germany. This shift in Germanys policy-making system greatly considered Nietzsches era, and as a passionate advocate for freedom in culture Nietzsche felt compelled to speak out against the evil of which was the graceful of Germany. In conclusion Nietzsche views on evil were that to receive bad moral or to act in an evil way, it is an act of conscious natural behavior. He regardd that Evil is within and dependant upon the determinants that affect ones moral perception.Friedrich Nietzsche was in his prime during the change of an era in Germanys political, societal and religious systems and was compelled to stand for what he believed in. It is extremely interesting that during the early 1870s the new King Otto von Bismarck introduced healthcare, well-disposed security and a rise in socialism to promote the economic deficit and center potential hierarchy, however advocated anti-socialist laws (Palante, G. (2009, June 1st). Historical philosophical Forum. Vol. 40 Issue 2 p265-273, 8p). The anti socialist laws were created to shift the power of the Social Democratic politi cal party (SDP) which stood for Civil and Political rights in an open troupe.Bismarck also bring down the affiliations and influence of the political system on Catholics making Catholicism a growing religion that was before the early 1870s mostly Christian based. This seems to have been a huge influence on Nietzsche as his first book, The Birth of Tragedy (1872) was based upon open society and cultural adversity. This floor of Germany is so significant due to the shift in power of the church, set-back at the attempt to stop the SDP after they had just begun in 1875 in the German Parliament as a Christian based society straight off shifting the change from Christian to Catholicism (Palante, G. (2009, June 1st). Historical Philosophical Forum.Vol. 40 Issue 2 p265-273, 8p) this provoked outrage as this meant less freedom of choice for citizens. Although Friedrich Nietzsche far from advocated Christianity, the shift of religion affected him as this meant a cultural change amongst h is peers. It greatly fuelled further writings based upon honest questions surrounding concepts that drain lifes energies. These strong views are now known as Nietzschean affirmation expanding on Nietzsche profound writing based around existentialism Friedrich Nietzsche along with Sren Kierkegaard (18131855) were the two philosophers renowned for doing so in the late 1800s (Palante, G. (2009, June 1st). Historical Philosophical Forum. Vol. 40 Issue 2 p265-273, 8p).Existentialism is a term used by philosophical thinkers expressing that ones life affirmation, ones mankind is determined by ones self. Despite lifes distractions and obstacles it is ones choice to await passionately, with sincere moral integrity as best as possible. This further supports how Nietzsches opposing thoughts towards empiricism of which means ones moral integrity is derived from senses and experience, however socially prevalent those views might have been by Germany, Nietzsche still deep opposed them.In books such as Daybreak Reflections on Moral Prejudices, 1881 (Morgenrte. Gedanken ber die moralischen Vorurteile) (Osborn, R. E. (2010). nihilisms Conscience On Nietzsches Politics of Aristocratic Radicalism. innovational age Vol. 52 Issue 4, p 293-308), Nietzsches most memorable, clearest, and intimate volumes, expressing many social-psychological insights and cultural relativity using Christian Based moral evaluations as reflections on good and evil. There were several(prenominal) books to follow Daybreak in the late 1880s, Thus Spoke Zara olibanumtra (188385) and Ecce human being (1888) this volume expressed the deepest of under stand power, humans and moral behaviors. Friedrich Nietzsches military campaign against morality had begun and he followed up with The Gay Science (Die frhliche Wissenschaft, 1882) (Osborn, R. E. (2010).Nihilisms Conscience On Nietzsches Politics of Aristocratic Radicalism. Modern age Vol. 52 Issue 4, p 293-308) a book in which Nietzsche becomes famous for his existential ideas pertaining the existence of life. In this book I believe Nietzsche was encouraging the citizens of Germany to speak out against the injustice towards freedom and lack of moral integrity that the German political system was advocating. As Nietzsches world changed around him he felt more and more compelled to change it, standing by his own philosophical views and taking his life into his hands becoming a martyr for the freedom of speech and cultural adversity that he so dearly believed in. Nietzsche felt very patiently towards open culture as well as freedom and this era of Germany was a huge influence on his work as it was a significant shift in decisions set by the new acclaimed authority.The Battle of good and evil is a constant in a world with no equilibrium and a constant struggle of power. Friedrich Nietzsche so profoundly advocated freedom and cultural adversity, in which has inspired leading figures in all walks of cultural life, including dancers, poet s, novelists, painters, psychologists, philosophers, sociologists and social revolutionaries however there is always a power working against that and thus the problems that were his era are still amongst us. Until people accept others and are uncoerced to live with respect to cultural adversity then there will always be evil immoral versus good moral. Throughout the history of any sovereignty there is a constant battle for power, beliefs and cultural relativity. Friedrich Nietzsche stood for freedom of choice and through his passionate writings did so very well however as Nietzsche has expressed so dearly it is within ones choice to act with moral integrity based upon there perception of good and evil.These are the choices that affect us daily and round us as individuals personally I have faced immoral decisions and it is in those moments, that you do not always realize at once, the affect that decision can have on another. In agreement with Friedrich Nietzsche, to recognize and fe el remorse in your conscious or subconscious decision is what differentiates good and evil. For instance, contemporarily when you are in a delicate discussion of religion amongst peers of versatile cultural background I have to think open-mindedly with conscious credenza to the reasoning behind cultural and religious background before making a judgmental statement.As well as Politics in Canada is directed for different collections of people, as politics usually is, so immediately there is a divide in Canadas cultural, ethnic, and working club because it is in the current political power to protect Canadas Economic, environmental or Social well-being. There is no balance and I believe without balance in a person, country or cultural group there cannot be a sustainable approach to good and evil there is always a stretch for that much more power on any side, affecting moral.ReferencesBrandhorst, M. (2010). Naturalism and the Genealogy of Moral Institutions Journal of Nietzsche Stud ies. Issue 40, p 5-28, 16p. Curry, B. (2008). The Perspectives of Nietzsche. Retrieved from http// Osborn, R. E. (2010). Nihilisms Conscience On Nietzsches Politics of Aristocratic Radicalism. Modern age Vol. 52 Issue 4, p 293-308. Palante, G. (2009, June 1st).Historical Philosophical Forum. Vol. 40 Issue 2 p265-273, 8p. Robertson, S. (2009). Nietzsches Ethical Revaluation Journal of Nietzsche Studies Issue 37, pp 66-90.
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